9 sharp in the morning, i had woke up to prepare myself heading to Pulau Aman, an island that situated @
Tambun. Honestly i never heard of this island before and since there is email forwarding saying it is a place that famous with
Mee Udang, so we never want to let go any chances of good food, decided to have a try. :-)
We a group of 9 peoples gathered @ roadside just before the roundabout that turn in to Tambun Jetty and when everyone is arrived, clock already ticked @ 10++am. Hamba is leading us from the gather place to
Tambun jetty. We first turn in 9 O'clock of roundabout and drive for about 5 minutes time. After that we came to a red soil road that seem to be having some construction as lorries are back and forth on the road.
And you can see from below picture, the red soil is flying upwards after car drive through, and you can imagine how's our car be, yea...it is a mess dirt with red soil covered up all part of the car. That's not all, we thought we can reach the jetty after a short while but the further we drive in, the sign of jetty is hardly to see. Then, we realized we are in the wrong path. Holy cow!

Here we are, 9 of us...:-)

At last, and finally we reached the jetty. We took some shots here...

While we walking toward jetty, we saw many jelly fishes in the water.

To reach the floating restaurant, we need to take engine boat for about 15 minutes journey time, the ticket cost us RM6 for 2 way. Here it is, the floating restaurant that famous with its
Mee Udang.

And there are actually a lot of chalet or acommodation (including the school), real cheap! Some only cost RM150 for 10 persons.

Wow, a lot of people here. We thought it must be very delicious at the glance. First we ordered of course the
Mee Udang and
Mee Goreng.

After the try, mm...most of us felt "so so" nia not as delicious as stated in the forwarded mail. Okay, the "kuah" of the
Mee Udang is quite nice but by the time we eat it, the "kuah" already get cold.

Other than these 2 dishes, hamba went to order the mantis prawn at the corner just before the entry to the restaurant. Look, the mantis prawn is still alive!

And all i can say, these mantis prawn are fresh and yea...taste good! :-)

Each of us have 2 mantis prawn and thought that is the best taste dish of the day. Overall i can conclude that Pulau Aman is small village with a few populations live on the island. There is no water activity here but you can explore a few spots on the island like
Telaga Mas, Kubur Purba, Jungle Trekking & fishing... (Refer to the map) As for us, we still need to hunt food at other place, so we left after lunch.
I miss the fun. Paise, i couldnt join u all that afternoon. Bet it was interesting even just looking at the photos.
haha, u miss the cross red soil road event la...
v din explore d island like u guys..:-)
a very "adventurous" red soil road journey...
shld i buy 4d with the number 9999?
(it appears so many time in this entry...kaka)
Phoenie gal..
v shdn't rely on hamba in d 1st place, huh...? :-)
but i dun get wat 9999 ler?
because in this entry, the number 9 appears 4 times
1. 9 sharp in the morning
2. 9 peoples gathered @ roadside
3. 9 O'clock of roundabout
4. 9 of us
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