Friday, April 24, 2009

MTV - Memories in Thailand

Hey guys, here is the recent hot MTV on Memories in Thailand produced by Royal Family Production.
Who are the actors? No clues here, you just need to click play to find out.
And i hope you will have lot os fun because i do enjoy the clip. By the way, thanks to all the actors in the clip and lots of grateful to Hamba for producing this wonderful clip.....Love it love it love it....:D


EH said...

finally it is uploaded to youtube and posted here....
Take ah!

Ben Leow said...
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Ben Leow said...

really nice to see happy moments like this.

iRENE said...

haha. You have group of friends that really fun.

Stella Lee said...

@ Hoo...
ya, n v can check how many the viewer...then v can know how's our clip rate, haha!!!

@ Ben...
hee..dat capture all our great moments there...laughter v had!!!

@ Irene...
not fun, but siao, haha...