Sunday, June 7, 2009

You wanna challenge yourself?

Are you satisfy with all the things that life had gave you so far? Everyday you woke up, you go to work, perform task assigned and head back home, then gather with family or love one and you run this routine exactly the same in everyday?
Is this the life that you are looking for or you wish to search for that something, something that you dream or wish for so that in every single second in your life, you will feel there is something out there for you to chase of?

I am sorry, i started the blog with so much of questions. I like to post question that can startup a deep thought of others, i don't like posting a straight question, that's not so me...

The point is, if all the answer of the bunch of question above is "No" and you felt that your current life is as flat as a straight line and totally not challenging at all, then i might have something that you are looking for. It calls "THE 100 DAYS CHALLENGE"!

This idea came from 3 ladies - the co-founders - Sandy Grason, Lilou Mace, Laura Duksta with their community called CCOR (Co-creating Our Reality). This community is actually a global community involved 125 countries that putting the law of attraction and other universal laws to the test. Yea, if you had view the video clip that i posted in my previous blog on The Law of Attraction, this "100 Days Challenge" is actually the way for you to manifest or put your desires into actions --> those that you need to do to achieve what you want. And here is the challenge, you have 100 days for you to accomplish or achieve it!

The works of manifestion is not only putting the law of attraction in to test in real life, but as well as other universe law like Law of Deliberate Creation and the Law of Allowing, Law of Action and so on.

Ready to take any challenge into your life? Before i show you steps to put yourself into challenge, you at first need to have a deep thought on what you want currently. It can be something that you want to get long time ago, or something that you want to set high target so you can test yourself how far you can go. But i recommend to start with something that you feel you have more % of confident to accomplish as you can make a lot of season of this 100 days challenge. Start with minor intension and while you accomplished it, you will have more energy to challenge yourself for higher goal or ambition. Already know what you want to achieve in 100 days challenge? Now,
1. Sign up an account in below web site
~ Here, you need to put in some words to describe yourself and your goals or intensions as well as when is the start date for your challenge.
2. Once sign up, you need to have your own practice method to be integrate into these 100 days. Choose at least 3 kind of below pratices, practices it from time to time.
Example you can practice the below methods:
a. Meditation --> Meditate to have a clear mind which will help you finding direction towards your goals.
b. Journaling --> Study on fact/information from all kind of medias that can assist you to achieve your goals.
c. Vision Board --> Make a board that combine all your goals or intensions into image. Print it out and stick it on places that you mostly spend time with. This will be a reminder on what is you want to have or achieve.
d. Reading --> Something that foward to your commitment.
e. Affirmation, Words of power --> Find quotes or affirmation videos related to your goals so that it could "hot up your engine" to chase towards your dream.
3. Start updating your challenge progress in blog or video blog on the web site or your own personal blog.
~ Here, you can write on your preparation works or what you had done so far to become nearer to your goals.
4. Last, get involve in this CCOR network and make friends!
~ You can share ideas or even encourage each other. Isn't it good to have someone which having the same direction with you? :-)

Now you need to know that this web site does not guarantee that you will be achieving what your desires at the end of the challenge. It is all very much depending on your self-affirmation and insistance to not just think what you want but to manifest it to get what you want. At the end of the challenge, if you do not achieve your goals, there is still no lose on you. Despite of that, you at least a person that know what you desires rather a person that wandering in their life not knowing their own destiny or direction. Not bad afterall, huh?


iRENE said...

sound interesting.. I actually practise that.. :-) mm.. I have sth to achieve recently..
1) lose my weight
2) cut down coffee intake

I eat a lot last few months especially at night. Feel bad and guilty.. hehehe.. Since beginning of Jun, I am praticing, give yourself 100 days, see how many weight you can lose by just eat less during dinner.

Lose 1.4 kg after 10 days. I realise, sometime what we need just persistent & nothing is impossible.

When I craving for sth, I will tell myself, don't worry, you will have it the next day.. hahaha.. hard time just pass like that.. I guess this is law of attraction. I control my mind by having a good feeling.

Do encourage and remind me from time to time, so my lossing weight plan can success. :-)

Anonymous said...

sound good for me because I'm feeling what you were trying to intro!

maybe will give a try later

billion said...

Irene gal..
so u had started your challenge which is good becoz u had achieve somethg in just 10 days...See how great u manifest 4 ur desires...
keep it up! make urself a vision board 2 remind you what r d thgs dat u wanna's really help!

yea, if u nvr try, u willnot know how far u can go..drop in n get it 4 a challenge 4 urself...:-)