Saturday, February 28, 2009
Need More Passage?
Hey, ask for more? You can go in or My Cineplex link and scroll down for more meaningful and darn true passage...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Meaningful Passage
" Thing is not always fair in the world, that’s just the way it is.
But for most of the part, you get what u give.
Let’s me ask you all a question, what’s worst, not getting everything you wish for?
Or getting it but finding it is not enough?
The rest of your life is being shape right now.
With the dream that you chase, with the wish that you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time, and the rest of your life start right now. "
That is one of the meaningful passage that i gained from the One Tree Hill series Season 5, Episode 1. Read it, think about it, again and again, you will find it is true, this passage is so darn true! All the things that you had done before and now, it is going to shape the beyond you in future.
If you always not to listen to your parents, not obeying them, please don't feel upset when they stop caring on you one day.
If you don't take care of your lover feeling and keep on hurting he/she, please don't feel sad when she leave you alone.
If you don't put your heart into the any of the relationship - friend, family, please don't feel bad when they disgrace you one day.
What you did in the past is actually shaping you as a person that you will become in coming days. What you had gain right now is usually something that you gave before in the past.
Had your heart to the people that matter to you, and you will get it back in return, don't selfish of your love, it can be as expand as the size that you can't even imagine, and it can be as small as it ever can be. It is all depends on you, what person you want to be? It is all just depends on you......
But for most of the part, you get what u give.
Let’s me ask you all a question, what’s worst, not getting everything you wish for?
Or getting it but finding it is not enough?
The rest of your life is being shape right now.
With the dream that you chase, with the wish that you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time, and the rest of your life start right now. "
That is one of the meaningful passage that i gained from the One Tree Hill series Season 5, Episode 1. Read it, think about it, again and again, you will find it is true, this passage is so darn true! All the things that you had done before and now, it is going to shape the beyond you in future.
If you always not to listen to your parents, not obeying them, please don't feel upset when they stop caring on you one day.
If you don't take care of your lover feeling and keep on hurting he/she, please don't feel sad when she leave you alone.
If you don't put your heart into the any of the relationship - friend, family, please don't feel bad when they disgrace you one day.
What you did in the past is actually shaping you as a person that you will become in coming days. What you had gain right now is usually something that you gave before in the past.
Had your heart to the people that matter to you, and you will get it back in return, don't selfish of your love, it can be as expand as the size that you can't even imagine, and it can be as small as it ever can be. It is all depends on you, what person you want to be? It is all just depends on you......
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A "healthy" weekend...
Remember my previous blog which talk on going back early before the time Cinderella turn back to its original, i am keeping this so well after a week the blog wrote. But that make me gotta "put aeroplane" on Friday movie date, sorry guys!
This Sunday, before the sun crawl out, i had already woke up to put on my sport shoes (i can't remember when is the last time i used it) hee...ya, i had a morning jog with my friend @ beachside near my house. It is a starting of my healthy life, looking @ the past few months, i am really a lazy bug, totally do not pratice any of the exercises or sports, except swepting the floor (that's count?) It felt so good after the jog, i suddenly felt i am healthier than before, ok, may be it is just a effect of the psychological but afterall i get my bone, muscle and all part of body a stretch, "they" been not workout for a while. ;-)
And strange, the exercise didn't get fall to sleep even i woke up around 6.30am but kept me so awaken a whole day, and i m in a full energy on chasing my favourite America series - One Tree Hill season 5 which i downloaded from the web. Ok, this is the best series i ever chased, i m getting addicted to this series, one of the reason is i like Chad Michael Murray, the main star of this series...and 2nd is the series visualized the life of a group of buddies in a small place called One Tree Hill, @ North of Carolina, from their highschool life, the close relationship between best friends and lovers, the complication of 3 triangle love - 2 best friends in love with 1 same guy, the great personalities of each star, the good and bad that could even happen in our life, till the time the buddies is graduated and searching for their real mean in their life and most great part of the series which inspired me the most is the meaningful quotes/phrases that enclosed together that really inspiring and full of enlightment. And for myself, i like to be motivated, that's really a perfect series for me. :-)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Dizzy me...
It is Sunday, but i stay @ home feeling dizzy and "stim stim". As was late back home after cny party @ my big boss house, by the time reach home it is near 4am.
We gambling, karaoking, and a session dat never miss, drinking. Lots of alcohol we had, i know my limit so i just took a little of whisky, red wain & magarita.
And because of this late sleep, making me felt dizzy whole day. Frens ask for visit to Kek Lok Si & movie but i just couldn't go with my body w/o soul...:-p
Okay, that is it. I shall discipline myself, must go home by 12am latest, i m now become cinderella...
Crazy Night...

We gambling, karaoking, and a session dat never miss, drinking. Lots of alcohol we had, i know my limit so i just took a little of whisky, red wain & magarita.
And because of this late sleep, making me felt dizzy whole day. Frens ask for visit to Kek Lok Si & movie but i just couldn't go with my body w/o soul...:-p
Okay, that is it. I shall discipline myself, must go home by 12am latest, i m now become cinderella...
Crazy Night...


CNY Gather Together :-)
Lots of gathering happening during this chinese biggest festival, it is good to getting in touch and sharing every moment of our life with our buddies, friends that always wanna have a latest update from you. I enjoy every moment that being together with them and even good as we get to "gossip" a bit on our schoolmates or people that we knew. That is a gathering all about, get to"八卦" on others, this had add fun to the conversations and to clarify, we are not "八婆”just keen to know other people latest news, haha!
This blog is more on photo sharing. Take a look ya...
This blog is more on photo sharing. Take a look ya...
CNY Day 4 - Gather @ Alice house
CNY Day 6 - "Pai Ni" @ colids house
Then, gang dinner @ Ingolf
CNY Day 7 - Walk walk with fren @ Penang 庙会
Glad that there is a group of great people that passion on keeping chinese cultural and traditional music, great!
CNY Day 8 - Gather with Siew Ing, my ex-coursemate
Day 11 - Dinner @ Manhanthan Fish Market
Tiramisu in a bowl, eat before?
CNY Day 13 - makan @ Bagan Lallang 王清发
Steam “AngSai" fish, Ho chiak!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New Year 2009 ***
Here I am the first blog in 2009, looking back in year 2008, not all the to do list is accomplished. I would need to say i gotta brought forward those to do items... It is never been too late as long as we have passion, right?
Well in this beginning of 2009, i myself felt it is a great year ahead me, i always wanna think in that way eventhough the feng shui master mentioned it is just an average year for zodiac - horse.
No matter how, i felt real happy during this chinese new year, i have had lots of gathering with friends from far, KL, Singapore, China... And have visit a few colids house for "pai ni", gambling @ grandma house, n my team manager open house --> free food, big ang pau & free wain, Bailey n Chivas...Thanks boss for the fun cny open house celebration!
And i had a gather together with my married friend, get to see their cute children. Time really ran fast, children is growing real fast and i realized time had drop some age sign on the face. And i knew that i can't stop the time from running, so i gotta catch the times as much as i could. ;-)
Generally in this new year, i wanna live my life as the mode that i want, that mode, that mode is that when i looking @ the past that i went through, i could smile and say "i am doing well so far". That mode is when i think all the things that i done before, i would say " i have no regret".
What mode you wish to get for now, n for future? :-)
Well in this beginning of 2009, i myself felt it is a great year ahead me, i always wanna think in that way eventhough the feng shui master mentioned it is just an average year for zodiac - horse.
No matter how, i felt real happy during this chinese new year, i have had lots of gathering with friends from far, KL, Singapore, China... And have visit a few colids house for "pai ni", gambling @ grandma house, n my team manager open house --> free food, big ang pau & free wain, Bailey n Chivas...Thanks boss for the fun cny open house celebration!
And i had a gather together with my married friend, get to see their cute children. Time really ran fast, children is growing real fast and i realized time had drop some age sign on the face. And i knew that i can't stop the time from running, so i gotta catch the times as much as i could. ;-)
Generally in this new year, i wanna live my life as the mode that i want, that mode, that mode is that when i looking @ the past that i went through, i could smile and say "i am doing well so far". That mode is when i think all the things that i done before, i would say " i have no regret".
What mode you wish to get for now, n for future? :-)
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