Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Granny....

My granny...Sometimes she stubborn like a rock, but sometimes she just got her way to make you laugh with her sense of humor. And some of my friends said i do have sense of humor and i guess i inherit a little from her. :-)

Granny had got stroke on last year and left side her body cannot function as usual. And she had started her physical therapy at BM 1 month + ago. Each of her son/daughter take rotating to fetch granny to the centre and me, is the one that responsible to fetch her on every Saturday.

Well, it was a not-so-big physical therapy centre as part of the section is allocated for doctor consultancy. Inside there, almost the people that getting the therapy treatment are old folks just like my granny. As i said in the opening of the blog, granny sometimes do not listen to people when the stubbornness get into her head but i felt i am more lucky than others start from the time i met with some old folks that really really with more serious "attitude problems", :-)

There is a father of a son, i think in the age of 70++ came every Saturday for treatment. Everyone that taking the therapy need to go through a treatment where a few of sand packs - i guess it is around 5kg - will be put on their hand and this is to stretch the nerve of the hand making it straight instead of holding the finger tight in as fist. And this man, we called him "kan nam" (in cantonese means difficult) why? As every time in every treatment session, he will be saying "hou kan nam ah!" (very difficult/very hard to do).

That's not all, when he felt pain, the poor his son will be suffer. He will be asking his son to remove the sand packs but if he refused, he will straight away put out his fist (the other hand that works) on his son body. And the poor son, the "victim of his old man criminal" have no way but enduring the old man patiently. But my granny, although sometimes she felt sad and pathetic on her condition right now still craft a big smile on her face watching the "criminal" took place.

And there is another similar situation happened on a couple, an old lady and his husband, latter is getting the therapy treatment. Same thing, the old man making noises refusing to stretch his leg and the whole centre wouldn't be in peace since the minute he walked in. hee....
And so the wife, i believe she want all the best for her man, beating his husband like a mother hitting a son.

Now that's why i say i am more lucky compares to others. And now, granny 's condition is getting better and better. I do hope so much that she will be recover soon. As a woman that never parsimonious to give her love not only to her children but her grandchild, she deserve that... *v*